Questions were asked from the community in the ChainZ AMA Telegram channel. Below is the Transcript of the AMA.
Question: from Lohit Reddy
Will team launch S3?
Do team have any plans to revive S1 economic?
I don’t believe there will be an S3. But I see that a lot of you have a misconception as to why S2 was launched.
First of all, this is how these games work. Traditional Idle RPGs will open a server daily and bring in new users on a daily basis. And some users will roll over to the next server, and that is why these sort of games are called rolling server games. This is how these genre’s work.
Unfortunately with a game like ChainZ this was a difficult decision as its not totally the same as the traditional gaming industry. We went through a lot of options before we decided to do this. This is also why S1 gains rewards from whatever happens on S2.
I’m not here to preach whether this was the right decision or not as some may agree and some may not. What is a fact though is there was an increase of roughly 1000 unique IPs on the day of S2 Launch. If the goal for all of us was to bring in new users then yes I believe that this was a needed step forward.
Let me expand on the user issue.
We are in the blockchain dapp community and not necessarily the traditional gaming industry. Because of the high barrier to dapps it is difficult for users who’s never played a dapp in their life to get started. I’m sure a lot of you including myself had a rough time starting your first dapp and understanding how the blockchain works, block explorers, wallets etc. I still have dapp users in this group that DM me about what is a Private Key, how to make a transfer with a wallet etc.
If we were to go about this in a traditional marketing sense you will be looking at a very high CPA, and astronomical CPA which does not benefit anyone.
I believe with paypal starting to allow crypto, this will be a step forward for the whole industry, but it will still take time.
From our experience the best marketing for dapp users and through events and we have continually done this throughout the past half year. We also see sudden upticks in users whenever events come out.
Now some of you will ask “why not just add fiat”. When we add fiat and crypto together this is a total different regulatory process, and the economics, systems etc will have to be changed. This process is not as easy as most of you think.
At the end of the day, we continue to find ways to expand as we have always shown. It’s not going to work out every time, and our decisions might not be right every single time. But without mistakes there will be no solutions.
Moderator: I guess we have already answered a few of his questions but here is the next forward in line :)
Question: from Dalgys
How soul buy back going? What plans to increase soul price? How the mass marketing going?
As we mentioned previously, we will do our buybacks as we have always done.
Again, this is something that bugs me, everyone keeps asking about the buybacks etc. but all the addresses are there for everyone to see. Nothing can be hid, and nothing can be framed. Both TRON and EOS addresses have been made public to ensure that you know we do our buybacks. INCLUDING BUYBACK FROM THE TESLA EVENT.
Plans to increase soul price? I think buyback is one function that may or may not help with that, as well as the swap and LP update may or may not do that. What we will continue to do is add gameplay systems into the game to try our best to ensure a fun game experience as well as a more sustainable economy.
Many of you have questioned the decay system, and others understand why it was added. I’d like to address this again.
The Price of SOUL was inflated which then miners and lechers came in to mine and dump. It is because we wanted to remove as many lechers and return to a sustainable economy, this is why we added the decay system.
Did it work as planned? Yes and No. Some of you weren’t happy with it, I can understand that, but at the same time it removed a lot of lechers from the game.
Regarding mass marketing I think I answered this question above.
One more thing I want to add.
Everyone here keeps asking for SOUL to go up again (inflation), to be frank this will be great for us too since it will probably increase our revenues so we can pay our massive bills, who wouldn’t want that right? The thing is this IS NOT SUSTAINABLE because whenever there is inflation there will be deflation and in the end it’s everyone in the economy that will have to bare the burden.
This is why it’s most important to find a sustainable solution to form a sustainable economy. And this is what we have been working on as much as we can.
I still strongly believe that the most important thing right now is more mechanisms to burn SOUL. So we have been trying to design new events where burning SOUL and using advanced summons are tied together.
Moderator: Thank you for that, I think I have seen the marketing Q come up a few time in the AMA :)
Also I must admit you are on today with your very in depth answers,
The next forward Question from the AMA room,
I think the second half of the question we have already answered :) Is it just a game??
Question: from FrozenCollector
Is it just a game?
The current price of soul or play user on Server1 It’s almost dead. Is there anything can do?
Yes it is a game! We have stressed this since day 1 that this is not an investment tool. And a lot of you have questioned this, and I agree there are elements it the game that may blur the lines. Because this is the crypto industry. It should always be thought of as a game first no matter what.
This is where we differ on how we look at the whether a game is dead or not. From what we see the amount of unique logins on S1 has only dipped a bit, which is natural for every single game. Because games are not evergreen and this is also why we continue to bring out different content.
As mentioned before with every update and events here and there, there are upticks in users. Every game goes through the same user cycle, up and down like a rollercoaster, because life of content is limited.
We hope that the new guild update will bring more gameplay that can be enjoyed for longer sustainable sessions.
Moderator: Thank you for that, let’s bring in the next question.
bare in mind I am sending in the messages based on when they been asked, so some questions might jump off topic for a bit :)
Question: from J S
Where do you see mobox and soul In 3 years and will soul ever be used in other games?
Personally I see great things for SOUL and MBOX and this is also why the only pre-mined MBOX tokens are for SOUL users. We as developer and as the team don’t even have any MBOX tokens.
I think ChainZ is a part of the bigger MBOX platform. Because what we realized is there is no full ecosystem out there that allows people not just to earn and save with crypto, but to also have fun with crypto.
I believe that one thing that we should have started a lot earlier is a wallet because that should be the basis of any platform. And because we always have to depend on third part wallets there are a lot of things that we cannot control or do to make life easier for current dapp users, and future dapp users, in turn lowering the barrier all together.
I know we promised for the wallet to come out sooner, but because the wider plans have changed we had to push it back. We continue to work our arses off daily, its not like we are sitting here and doing nothing.
For example we want to make sure that we can gain more users through an easy to use wallet and bridge the gap with the three chains.
This is why other than a mobile wallet we have also created a plugin wallet which should be done in the coming week or 2
I believe that for a plugin wallet which I know a good portion of you guys use, the MOBOX plugin wallet will be one of the easiest to use because as I always mention it is extremely important to make the barrier as low as possible or else there is no way to bring in new users and the first step to any dapp whether its ChainZ or defi or whatever other dapp is out there, the first barrier is wallet and getting crypto. As I mentioned because we always had to depend on third party wallets there were things we couldn’t do even if we wanted to. Now with our own wallet we will be able to control how to make it easier for users and bridge the gap between the three chains. For example I believe this to be first wallet which combines TRON, BSC, ETH etc. into one plugin wallet.
Another reason why things have been taking longer than we wanted is because we decided to ensure a seamless experience for people to save crypto and earn crypto through defi (which I believe will continue to be the future of the industry)
We will be the only wallet on the market that has a seamless experience for all swaps amongst all the chains whether that's UNISWAP BURGERSWAP JUSTSWAP etc. all of it will be a seamless experience with everything made to be as simple as possible.
We have also created smart contract s to make providing LPs much easier, where you don’t need to provide both tokens you just have to provide one or the other, so that people don’t need to understand how it works, but know the outcome.
Another reason why we decided to the swap in Chainz is so that atleast everyone here can start to learn about what this is all about. Everything is a stepping stone to something we hope will be greater whether its games, checking bitcoin price, twitter like feed, managing your crypto on a decentralized wallet or even from an exchange you will be able to do all of that with the MOBOX platform and now with PayPal allowing users to buy crypto, (which will also be integrated) this just makes everything even easier And this is why we believe that only SOUL hodlers should get any pre-mined MBOX tokens.
Now some of you have asked me how will SOUL be used in this platform or Gamefi etc. I always declined to answer because I don’t want to say something and people start to inflate the token. I believe token prices should be coupled with what we bring to the table, and when we bring it to the table users can decide for themselves. I rather have something to show and fully developed and users can decide for themselves.
I honestly believe that we have shown that we can be trusted, we have never scammed, we have never been hacked, we have continued to bring dapp users the greatest events, and we have continued to update and bring new and amazing stuff. I don’t think any other dapp team has brought out as much as we have, and has worked continuously to make tomorrow easier. (ok.. well other than AAVE, which I respect a great deal).
I know some of you may disagree with me, or just want us to paint a pretty picture. But we rather develop what we set out to do and let users decide when the time comes. At Least that's how we like to operate.
There will always be agreements and disagreements, and probably more disagreements. But it is also through this communication that for the last several years in this industry we’ve realized that things are just too difficult for the everyday user. Heck even for current dapp users!
Question: from Monzy Games
Would it be possible to make S1 a community server since we will just be forgotten after server merge is no? Community server meaning that the people who actually supported Chainz as a project from the start till the day you screwed them over (S2 announce). Make them control S1, since everything is broken and unusable in S1. The math is completely wrong, everyone is too scared to buy hammers and cards. Let the community make the decisions and we just give you updates on what changes are needed and you guys run S2 then as your own “retail server”. We would form a group of about 10 people, meeting once a week or so to update the math for miners, soul price and div pool changes. It wont be new functions in the game, it will be minor changes that is required for the server to continue. Also can the pegging change to USDT? The prices of hammer / summons move drastically with it being linked to ETH
The last time you mentioned this I talked with our team. And the problem is this
1. 2 servers with 2 different changes means more or less developing 2 different games. That means we need to expand the team even more. We are already trying to hire 10 more people 6 which are tech and its been difficult finding good talent.
2. There are things that cannot be changed in the game, and even if you guys were to vote on it or what not we won’t be able to do
3. Changing the game to USDT means re-coding the whole game which will take, fastest maybe 3 months?
4. We never screwed anyone over as I explained in the first answer above, and i’ll refer you to that.
5. And basically from my understanding update the math for miners means more leechers. I don’t know how i can stress this even more — THIS IS BAD FOR THE GAME IN THE LONG RUN.
We have also discussed that we can first take on some feedback for the math, and see if we can implement it. If you have the math or the algo feel free to send it over and we can discuss it no problem.
Question: from Chyn3s3boi
What we can do right away to fix the issues on S1.
1. Reduce the hammer price where it actually makes a difference.
2. Increase mining rate drastically. They reduced this with the last update for no reason.
3. Introduce the internal exchange on S1 so Soul can be bought and sold for NOT just gold and spirit.
4. Allow Soul to be used on Chainopoly.
5. Please provide a real incentive to hold Soul.
6. Provide the community with a clear and simple roadmap for Chainz.
7. Burn the tokens weekly and publish this information.
1,2 = bring miners back, then everyone will run hammers, divs improve, then Soul prices will go back up.
3 = provide Soul with more liquidity.
4 = give soul more uses in the game and if they lose on Chainopoly, burn that too.
How much of this are you guys considering making the changes for ASAP?
The question i’ve been waiting for. Because I think a lot of people look at this and mis-understand the substance
1. Reduce hammer price where it actually makes a difference — which i’m guessing you mean so miners can mine and dump
2. Increase mining rate drastically which increases the supply of SOUL
1 + 2 net effect is…..
You reduce the price of hammers yet increase the mining rate which lowers the price of SOUL … is that what you want?
3. We already introduced internal exchange, but i think you got the idea of an internal exchange incorrect. I will refer you to the new update we released yesterday, which I think is good for the game all around.
4. Yes you talked to me about this, and we discussed it internally and believe its actually not a bad idea, so we will be looking into how to implement it. (SEE! LOGICAL FEEDBACK WORKS)!
5. Let me know what you mean by real incentive
6. From day 1 we always said we will develop according to the needs and environment. Also I will point you to the MOBOX platform which ChainZ will be a part of and this is why all of you get MBOX tokens while we haven’t gotten any. I believe that this will be the baby that will incorporate everything that's needed to provide and easy to use, crypto manager, savings and yield farming, and gaming systems to truly solve the issues of generating new users.
7. You can check the addresses they have all been made public, but we will try to publish and burn more frequently.
Question: from Em
Is there any chance of taking all the elements off the soul summon except light/dark to help regain cards values in game market
I will talk to our game designer and team as a whole and get back to you about this. But I still believe systems to burn as much SOUL as possible is the most important right now. Which is also why @Chyn3s3boi suggestion to use SOUL on chainopoly is in my perspective a good one.
Question: from Johnny Madsen
Will there be a response to the allegations made on ChainZArena . org
I have responded to these baseless claims many times.
1. the DeFi on EOS was an event for the Chinese community. Each community runs events serperatly at times including twitter events and korean kakao. We paid 10,000 USD for the project to allow bonus mining for SOUL LP and we had to provide a good portion of the LP. At the same time we believe that this may be a different buyback mechanism which we have already proven. Roughly 10,000 EOS of our own were used to buyback SOUL through the swap.
2. The SOUL that was sent to the user was a transaction that we brokered. Looking back, I agree we shouldn’t have been the middle man for this.
3. This would not have changed the outcome of the event as it was roughly two weeks prior, even before we announced an event. Furthermore the amount of SOUL in the transaction wouldn’t have made a difference on the outcome.
4. Buybacks — all the addresses are there for everyone to see so i’m not sure what pot he’s smoking.
I highly suggest people here to look into the addresses etc. themselves instead of just listening to hearsay. Common guys if we were to scam like he/she suggested, you think it would be for something so small? let's get serious now lol. If we were to scam we had many chances to do it for a much greater amount. And all of you know this.
We have proven again and again that we actually develop fun things to play with, ecosystems to help everyone move to an easier tomorrow, and we have never ever scammed or ran away for even a penny. And we will continue to show this because our intentions is how to grow the community and industry. And we will stick to this.
I know probably most of you are not reading this AMA but I hope you guys do read it later on. Our intentions are always good, and sometimes whether its you or us for many reasons emotions run high. But we have shown again and again that we build for an easier tmr. Will it be a greater tmr? well honestly speaking I don’t know, and i’m not going to sugarcoat it and act like we know exactly what will happen tmr. But I can say with full confidence that our intentions have also been good and will remain good, and more importantly we will continue building and building because we believe that there is so much potential to solve many issues in this industry, yet this industry is still in its infancy. There will always be agreements and disagreements, there will always be mistakes, but this is how we learn and build for an easier tomorrow.
Question: from JEREMY
My question is. What kind of ntfs would it be used to create? In game ntfs? Artwork? What kind?
So the first set of NFTs will be game NFTs but users/artists may also create their own game NFTs which can be part of the ecosystem.
I think the cool thing here is that we bridged the NFTs across three chains. This way there is no barrier between lets say an TRON user and an ETH user. Our smart contract will allow users to trade NFTs across chains, building a more borderless and seamless experience. I believe that this has not be done before and this is why i keep stressing that we need to build and
easier tomorrow
a borderless tomorrow
a simpler tomorrow
Because if no one does this (I hope we are the ones that do do it) then this industry will never fly like it should). Oh back to the question haha, also user created NFTs, the creator will get a share of all the exchange transactions of their particular NFT.
There needs to be a way where there aren’t separate blockchains. Do we really believe that there will be 100 different blockchains that will continue to live on ? I highly doubt that but how do we bridge the game between those that will live on. Well it's going to take a lot of time, but I believe with the way we are developing things it will be the first major step
This concludes our AMA for today 20th November 2020. Thank you All for reading, Team MOBOX