Dragonverse Neo: A Co-created and Co-governed Open World Unfolding MOBOX 2.0

5 min readDec 22, 2023


Dear MOBOXers,

Prepare to embark into a new era of digital adventure as MOBOX, a vanguard in the web3 gaming cosmos, introduces Dragonverse Neo, the first-ever co-created and co-governed open world that transcends web3 gaming boundaries. More than a mere game, Dragonverse Neo is a manifestation of MOBOX’s visionary leap, enabling MOBOXers to contribute the content and decide the evolution.

Dragonverse Neo: The Heart of MOBOX 2.0

As a pioneering force in Web3 gaming, MOBOX is leading the way in transforming the gaming experience and gaming economy tailored for the upcoming market cycle. We have recognized the limitations posed by the traditional GameFi 1.0 model due to its inflationary pattern, and have been exploring a new paradigm that is antifragile and self-adjusting rather than tied to unsustainable loops from isolated P2E mechanics.

Dragonverse Neo marks a milestone for MOBOX’s monumental transition towards a co-created and co-governed open world dedicated to building sustainable and thriving economies.

UGC Gaming: Unleashing Creativity as the Community’s Canvas

In Dragonverse Neo, User-Generated Content (UGC) is the heartbeat of our game. UGC from our players not only keeps the game fresh but also stabilizes the in-game economy. It encourages a diverse consumption and utilization of assets, ensuring the game remains dynamic and economically sound. As players exert their influence by crafting content, they enrich the game’s world, adding layers of depth and complexity. This empowerment fosters a deeper connection and commitment to the game, as the intrinsic value of assets and creations are recognized and cherished over time. With our intuitive and powerful 3D-enhanced engine, every MOBOXer has the opportunity to shape every facet of the game:

  • Create and customize game elements like items, characters, and maps.
  • Weave compelling storylines and develop innovative gameplay mechanics.
  • Develop mini-games with micro-tokenomics and open marketplaces.

Governance: Determine the Path of the Evolution

At the heart of Dragonverse Neo lies a revolutionary concept: co-governance. This is where the true magic of our community comes to life, allowing MOBOXers to steer the course of the game’s evolution. This approach marks a significant departure from the conventional, centralized model of game development, placing real decision-making power in the hands of our players.

As a MOBOXer, whether you’re a holder of $MBOX / veMBOX, a MODragon enthusiast, or a MOMO owner, you wield substantial influence over the game’s development. This influence isn’t just theoretical — it’s practical and impactful. Here’s how you can make your mark.

  1. Launch game content: Propose and add new elements to Dragonverse Neo. This could be anything from a new Point of Interest ( POI) on the map, introducing memorable new NPC’s or even conceptualizing a unique mini — game that requires special access.
  2. Refine game mechanics: Have a say in the game’s inner workings. This involves adjusting the dynamics of assets consumption and production, or even fine-tuning the commission fees in the in-game marketplace to better suit the game’s economy.
  3. Optimize community rewards: Take part in deciding how rewards are distributed. Your proposals can lead to new reward allocations among mini-games or innovative ways to utilize platform revenue for the benefit of the community.
  4. Initiate ecosystem partnership: Engage in shaping the broader Dragonverse Neo ecosystem. This includes initiating partnerships for IP integration, collaborating with brands, and launching joining campaigns, expanding the horizons of our gaming universe.

Tokenomics: Expanding Assets Utilities to New Dimensions

In Dragonverse Neo, we’re transcending the conventional play-to-earn model and leveling-up mechanics. Our tokenomics redefine the utility of MOBOX Assets (MBOX, veMBOX, MoDragons, and MOMOs), elevating them beyond their traditional roles. These assets become tools of empowerment and creativity, enabling players to:

  1. Unlock New Realms of Possibility: Use your assets to access exclusive game elements, unlock premium features, and participate in beta tests. These tokens open doors to new experiences and adventures within the Dragonverse Neo universe.
  2. Facilitate and Enrich Gameplay: Dive deeper into the game by using your assets for a multitude of activities. Create and contribute your own content, craft and upgrade unique items, and engage in vibrant trade with other players. Your assets are the keys to a more dynamic and interactive gaming experience.
  3. Implement and Influence Governance: Utilize your assets to participate in the governance of the game, making proposals and casting votes that will shape the future path of Dragonverse Neo. Your assets empower you to be a part of the decision-making process, ensuring the game evolves in a way that reflects the community’s vision.

Gameplay: Pushing boundaries to the Next Level

Dragonverse Neo elevates the gaming experience with its 3D-enhanced engine. The world comes alive with interactive NPCs, each with stories that deepen the lore. With extensive character customization, each player’s journey is unique, woven with the threads of their choices. Dragonverse Neo is a visual spectacle, offering a cinematic-quality experience that transcends traditional gaming graphics. This world is designed to captivate, with visuals immersing you in an aesthetic wonderland that blurs the lines between virtual and reality.

Alpha Test Launch: A New Year Gift for 2024

Time: To Be Announced

Link: https://www.mobox.io/#/neo

Access: Gain entry with your exclusive Dragonkey (6-digit Code).


  1. $veMBOX Holders: Addresses with more than 10,000 $veMBOX.
  2. MODragon Holders: Addresses with MODragon of Rare rarity or higher rarity. Snapshot time: UTC 3:00 AM, December 20th, 2023.
  3. Community Perks: Mobox will also issue DragonKeys via community events.

As the Dragonverse Neo alpha test prepares to launch as a gift for 2024, the MOBOX community stands on the cusp of an unforgettable journey. With its blend of magical storytelling, innovative gameplay, and community-driven evolution, Dragonverse Neo isn’t just a game; it’s a saga waiting to be written by the heroes who dare to explore its depths.

Dragonverse Neo awaits you!





Explore the Co-created & Co-governed Open World with MOBOX!