Frequently Asked Questions for ChainZ Arena

10 min readApr 2, 2020


Here is a list of questions we put together and answers to the most frequently asked questions on ChainZ Arena!

Q1. How do I login and play?

To play ChainZ Arena simply go to our website once you are on our website you will be presented with a login screen either chose a guest login or account login. If you require a new account click on the Register button and the screen below will come up.

In this section select your desired faction or to put it in battle terms, select the blockchain you wish to fight for! Once you register for one chain you can not change your faction.

Enter all your details as per below and make sure you are using a legitimate email. Enter your email address and click “Send” you will be sent a verification code.

Once you receive that code simply click on Submit to register.

Once you have registered you will see your in-game wallet details which will show all 3 chains, ETH, EOS and TRX.

This is your in-game wallet, here you can load up your wallet with your choice of the Three cryptocurrencies . If you don’t want to use the in-game wallet you can either use one of the many plugin wallets that work with your browser for your cryptocurrency. For example, Tronlink for Tron users, Metamask for ETH users and Wombat for EOS (remember this is just an example of some wallets)

If you are more of a mobile user you can use various mobile wallets that have a build-in dApp browser, just to mention a few mobile wallets you can use Tokenpocket, Mathwallet, Tronlink and many many more.

Multicurrency has now been added and you have a choice of a lot more currencies. You need to se your withdrawal first (using one of your currencies) Your first withdraw will set your default currency.
To receive your souldrops from the other currencies simply click on the exchange button as seen below.

Q 2. How to Summon a Hero?

Summon Circle

In order to fight for your faction (TRON, EOS, TRX), you need to build your army of Heros, to summon a hero click on the icon “ Summon Circle”, You have the option to Summon normal heroes, and these cards are obtained by opening earned scrolls while clearing levels or AFK* farming, you get Free cards when the counter ends. There is also Advanced summons, and these summons can be done by spending the currency of any faction. You can deposit any faction currency you like to summon heroes.

Players summoning heroes with Currencies will also mine 18 Soul token for each 1 Advanced summon.

*For those of you know that do not know what AFK means = Away from Keyboard!

Q 3. How to change the currency to perform an Advanced Summon?

Available Currencies

Inside the Summon Circle, on the top right corner, there is your currency, click on it and you will be able to switch between ETH, EOS, and TRX.

Q 4. Where can I find rewards sent to me in Mail?

Mail (found in Town Hall)

The Mail system is located in the Town Hall under your profile picture, mail with items are stored for 30 days before they are auto-deleted, while mail without items is stored for 7 days only, then they are auto-deleted.
You can use the button CLAIM ALL to open and claim all mail with the attached items, and the button DELETE ALL will delete all your mails and clear your inbox.
“Deleted mail can not be recovered.

Q 5. What is the Forge and what is it used for?

Forge Items Here

All your heroes can equip items that will increase their status. You do earn these items from clearing Levels, and AFKing, Easy levels will give you common items, and harder levels will give you higher tier items, Forge allows you to forge 3 equal levels items into 1 higher-level item.
The game has a total of 5 Tier items, making a total of 16 Level items.

You can forge

Items above you can forge

Weapon, Armor, Boot, and Bracelet.

Q 6. How do I forge an item?

In order to forge an item, you need to have all 3 items of the lower level of it, and sufficient gold required.
For example, If you would like to forge a 2 Star tier 2 item (Level 3) you will need 3 Items of 1 Star tier 2 items (Level 2) and gold required for the forge.

Q 7. What is the Altar used for?

The Altar allows you to control your summoned army, and there are 3 functions:


Decompose icon

Decompose. Decomposing heroes allows you to exchange unwanted heroes for Dragon Coins, Dragon coins are used along with Gold coins to level heroes.

Also while decomposing you will receive some of the materials spent on an upgraded decomposed Hero here.


Rebirth Icon

Rebirth. Rebirth allows you to reset a hero‘s level to 0 without losing the Hero, unlike Decompose.You can have a Normal Rebirth for free, but you will receive only 50% of the materials spent on the hero. A Perfect Rebirth will return 100% of material spent to upgrade a hero, but players will be required to pay a rebirth fee in one of the faction’s currencies.


Restoration icon

Restoration. Restoration allows you to de-Evolve a hero, receiving back your hero cards used for evolving it, and some of the material cards used during evolving. It will also give you back 50% of the materials spent on the hero during upgrading it.

Q 10. How can I play “Arena”? And do I earn anything?

Arena section of Game

In Arena, you will be able to Attack and Defend, and there will be daily rewards for Arena ranking, to check the rewards press on

In order to play set up a DEFENSE team to protect you score, and you can do that by pressing on Defence Form ( as seen below)

and in order to attack, click on Matching

and select an enemy to fight. For each Win or Lose you will Earn or Lose Arena points.

Q 11. How many times can I attack in Arena?
As long as you have available attacks you can attack enemies

While attacks have a cap of max 12 attempts ready for you to use, and there is a countdown of 30 minutes to gain 1 attack back ( you will see an icon as per below)

countdown timer

Q 12. What is the Quick upgrade inside Heros for?

The Quick upgrade will allow you to upgrade low star cards for higher star cards that you can later use to upgrade your heroes instead of using precious heroes cards.

Q 13. Can’t I hold more than 500 Heroes in my inventory?

You start the game with 500 hero inventory spots only, but you can purchase up to 1000 inventory spots by click on the + icon in the Hero section, in the top right corner

Each purchase will upgrade your inventory by 50 spots.

Q 14. How can I earn a Lucky Chest?

In order to earn a Lucky Chest, you must first buy a Hammer

Hammers are a mining boost to boost your luck while you are AFK for a certain period, AFK with a hammer gives you a % to obtain a chest.
All hammers boost the same %, but the price is different from a hammer to hammer depending on its boost period.

Q 15. When I buy a hammer for 12 hours, will I lose the hammer after 12 hours?

Yes, a hammer is a boost to your loot that will last for the period of the hammer, once a hammer’s countdown is over, the hammer will disappear. Hammers are the only way to have a chance to obtain a lucky chest.

Q 16. Does it matter on which level I am AFK?

YES, each level has its own items and XP, the higher the level the better the quality of the items. We do always recommend you AFK on the higher levels you can, but if for example, you need more WEAPON then a BOOT, you can choose to AFK on a level that will give only Weapons.

Q 17. I am stuck on a level. What can I do?

In this case a player can do different things, here are some tips to help you:

1. Summon more cards to evolve your hero.
2. Upgrade your heroes’ skills.
3. Upgrade your heroes’ levels.

4. Forge stronger items for your heroes
5. Change your army formation, having a tank first is always helpful, and having 1 healer or 2 in your team also helps.
6. Change your heroes to obtain formation Aura based on the Attribute of your heroes.
7. AFK for more period to obtain resources to level your heroes.
8. Purchase hammers to obtain more resources faster.

Q 18. Why haven't I received my divs?

When your divs are ready, you will see that Soul Drops icon have a red dot on it (as per below)

To claim your divs, Click on the Soul Drops, then click on Receive-All, and you will receive your divs from all available currencies.

Please note you have to be active in the game in between the SOULdrops to receive SOULdrops, please make sure you have at least one battle in the game!

Divs shown in all available currencies

Q 19. How can I change my in-game name?

In order to change your name, click on your profile picture in the top left corner, (name can only be changed once)

and then click on Rename

you can also change your profile picture while you are there by clicking on

Q 20. Is there a difference between a Red frame card, and a Gold frame card? If both are the same star level?

Red cards are more powerful and rarer than golden cards, they do have extra skills in their skill book, which can make a huge difference during battle. These cards can be obtained randomly through Elite Summoning.

Q 21. What is the max supply of the SOUL token

The maximum supply of the SOUL token is 999,999,999 or simply put that is nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine

Q 22. How can I obtain SOUL tokens?

Other than purchasing a mining hammer to mine SOUL, players can obtain SOUL through the below methods:

  • Each Advanced Summoning will be rewarding players with 1.8 SOUL this is for each card. Therefore if you open 10 cards that will be 18 SOUL.
  • Hero Market, every 10 HERO Tokens spent will mine 0.3SOUL (Only for in-game items)
  • Mining Hammer you can purchase the mining hammer on hourly basis: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours, all mining SOUL while AFK (away from keyboard)
  • Cryptogon You can challenge other players for SOUL tokens

Q22. Where can I see if i have met the mining requirements?

You can see your mining requirements in the “Battle”section and then clicking on the “chest box“. If you have satisfied all 3 requirements and purchased a hammer then you will mine SOUL as well as earn in game items!

The Frozen Soul requirement will change as you progress in the game, different levels will require different Soul freeze requirement!

Q23. How do I gain Bonus SOUL mining with mining hammer?
To receive an extra mining Bonus you will need a RED Quality HERO with 7 Stars or More in your lineup. See below on how to find the information.

#All information is correct at time of writing, final changes may happen before Final release of ChainZ Arena




Written by MOBOX

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