MOBOX Mini Program — Update

1 min readDec 6, 2021

Dear MOBOXers,

Over the past two months the team has been working tirelessly with the Binance Mini-program team to bring MOBOX games to the masses with the goal of educating players on NFTs and the benefits of using blockchain technology in games. Following the overwhelming support that the MOBOX mini-program amassed we’d like to thank everyone for their continued trust and support in the MOBOX team.

As the MOBOX platform integration with the Binance mini-program is still in its infancy and involves many moving parts, we realized that a lot more work has to be done to ensure that MOBOX games mini-program can support the players who are ready to jump into the MOMOverse. Therefore, after long discussions with all parties involved and careful consideration we have decided to suspend the MOBOX mini-program. There is no action required from the registered users.

The team will continue to work endlessly to bring MOMOverse and blockchain games to leading gamers in the world. Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for your continued support.

For any further inquiries please contact




Written by MOBOX

Explore the Co-created & Co-governed Open World with MOBOX!