Calling all Champions of ChainZ Arena!!
Here Yee Here Yee!
Its that time of the month again. Where Team ChainZ brings you another quick update. Also as we do… with every update we have…
new EVENTS! woohoo!!
⚔️ In-game updates ⚔️
🛡20 NEW red quality heroes will officially launch in the main game. Heroes can be obtained through Advanced Summoning and/or Replacement. (No adjustments to the heroes has been made)
🛡Added bonus AFK mining for Red Quality heroes 7 Stars and above.
See table below for BONUS Level mining requirements!
🛡Added Golden Hammer Card — Can be obtained through events. Provides 2X mining when used.
🛡Starting at the next Faction Wars, there will no longer be any mining Bonuses.
🛡AFK Chests can now only be unlocked 1 at a time. Only SOUL can be used to instantly unlock.
🛡Puppeteer can no longer be used for Replacement
🛡Added new requirements for AFK SOUL mining. This includes a certain amount of SOUL must be frozen as well as Hero Requirements.
🛡Balanced Chapter 50 and above stages
🛡Other minor bug fixes
The Events we have in Store are the following
🛡Crown The Champion — Crystal Orb Arena
🛡Gladiator Challenge — Cryptogon
🛡Star UP — Enhance Hero Star level
In total there is over $30,000 USDT to be WON!
The EVENTS are Real!
CHAMPIONS are you ready?!
Stay Tuned for more updates to come!
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